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Why Content Marketing? [Infographic]

The word on everyone’s lips: content.

Over 85 percent of brands are using it, but why? Because, quite plainly, it attracts. And more than that, it gives companies an opportunity to interact with their consumers. Content marketing can come in many forms — blogs, white papers, webinars, videos, social posts, and more. The cool thing is though, it can also come from a company’s most enthusiastic fans!

Thanks to the advance of blogging, social media, and the web in general, consumer brands are now able to rival publishers with authentic user generated content. They can create and circulate custom material that attracts new customers and inspires current ones. Check out the infographic below to see why content marketing is the best thing to happen since sliced bread.

Why Content Marketing Infographic - 1 (1)

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    By: Tidal Labs

    Engage the wave

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